Space to PIVOT

As an administrator and educator, one word that has been stated over and over by me as changes have continually met us during this pandemic is “PIVOT.” As I watched the episode of “Friends” in early July, it hit me, that while they were trying to move the couch and were yelling “PIVOT” there wasContinue reading “Space to PIVOT”

An Instructional Model in Online Learning

To hear more about “An Instructional Model in Online Learning” listen to Episode 6, Season 1 of The Bulldog Educator Podcast. Before COViD 19, before many schools even considered online curriculum or content as something to understand, before we are where we are now… I came to a place as the Director of Curriculum andContinue reading “An Instructional Model in Online Learning”

Exploring the World of Sketchnoting

To hear more about “Exploring the World of Sketchnoting,” check out Episode 4, Season 1 of The Educator Bulldog Podcast. Sketchnoting is something I have seen. Anyone that has been on Twitter has seen the amazing sketchnotes of Sylvia Duckworth. I even went so far as to attend a conference with keynote Manuel Herrera, whereContinue reading “Exploring the World of Sketchnoting”

The Bulldog Educator Core Values Podcast Episode 1, Season 1

On Monday, June 8th the 3rd podcast from “The Bulldog Educator Podcast” and Episode 1, Season 1 was broadcast. We are still learning the ins and outs of producing a podcast. I hope you will hear the heart of the podcast through these core values, forgive the novice mistakes of a new podcaster, and stickContinue reading “The Bulldog Educator Core Values Podcast Episode 1, Season 1”

The Bulldog Educator- A Re-launch

If you were a follower of the “Tag You’re It” blog, you may have noticed it has changed in name and format. I started this blog in 2013. It was a way to share ideas, thoughts, and reflections. I was still a classroom teacher. Since then I have moved from an Instructional Technology Coach toContinue reading “The Bulldog Educator- A Re-launch”

We are #BetterTogether

The better part of two weeks ago the United States entered into what much of the rest of the world was experiencing with COViD19 and traditional face to face education was turned on its ear. Face-to-face educators went into emergency remote teaching, parents became partners in educating students in a way we have never seenContinue reading “We are #BetterTogether”

Transformation is in the Small Moments

Last week I was listening to George Couros’ Podcast “Innovator’s Mindset” Season 1, Episode 8 . In this episode, George spoke about change and whose role is it to lead change. He challenged the idea that to lead it must be positional, but rather, anyone can impact and lead change. At the end of theContinue reading “Transformation is in the Small Moments”

My #OneWord2020: Wholehearted

This last year I really honed in on my #oneword2019 FOCUS. When I first began this intense emphasis on being focused on a few things, I believed that my output and work would be less, but the quality of what I did would be better. What I didn’t realize was that by having focus, IContinue reading “My #OneWord2020: Wholehearted”

Teachers need to be “Seen” too…

I am a year in at my current position as Director Curriculum and Instruction with our public state virtual school. I have moved from a role where I was primarily expected to take care of administrative matters in regards to building safety, student discipline, and jobs delegated because no one else wanted to do themContinue reading “Teachers need to be “Seen” too…”

Giving the PLC a little TLC: How Quality Checks are Improving the PLC Process

I came to Virtual Arkansas in July 2018. We are a blended online virtual program that is the state of Arkansas’ Public Education option for offering courses that Public Education schools may not be able to offer themselves due to regional, economic or school size challenges. We eliminate the issue of availability and provide equitableContinue reading “Giving the PLC a little TLC: How Quality Checks are Improving the PLC Process”

An Ethical Island

How to Teach Without a Lecture and other fun

JLV College Counseling

Free college admissions and financial aid information and advice

21 st Century Educational Technology and Learning

K12 educational transformation through technology

Connection of Dots

Stories about people and happenings and what they might mean.


True, he said; how could they see anything but the shadows if they were never allowed to move their heads?

Exploring Authentic Learning

The posts here are reflections of Instructional Lead Learner, Kirsten Wilson. I seek to inspire all learners to be driven by their passions. They, in turn, inspire me.


Engaging in conversation around Education and Leadership

Always Learning!

Sharing education-related thoughts, insights & reflections


The posts here are reflections of Instructional Lead Learner, Kirsten Wilson. I seek to inspire all learners to be driven by their passions. They, in turn, inspire me.

The Principal of Change

Stories of learning and leading

Unpretentious Librarian

The posts here are reflections of Instructional Lead Learner, Kirsten Wilson. I seek to inspire all learners to be driven by their passions. They, in turn, inspire me.

The Sarcastic Socrates

Sarcasm and Politics



Inside Education, Outside the Box!

Helping educators think differently about how schools and districts operate.

Cool Cat Teacher Blog

The posts here are reflections of Instructional Lead Learner, Kirsten Wilson. I seek to inspire all learners to be driven by their passions. They, in turn, inspire me.

Engaged and Relevant

Just another site