The Bulldog Educator Core Values Podcast Episode 1, Season 1

On Monday, June 8th the 3rd podcast from “The Bulldog Educator Podcast” and Episode 1, Season 1 was broadcast. We are still learning the ins and outs of producing a podcast. I hope you will hear the heart of the podcast through these core values, forgive the novice mistakes of a new podcaster, and stickContinue reading “The Bulldog Educator Core Values Podcast Episode 1, Season 1”

Giving the PLC a little TLC: How Quality Checks are Improving the PLC Process

I came to Virtual Arkansas in July 2018. We are a blended online virtual program that is the state of Arkansas’ Public Education option for offering courses that Public Education schools may not be able to offer themselves due to regional, economic or school size challenges. We eliminate the issue of availability and provide equitableContinue reading “Giving the PLC a little TLC: How Quality Checks are Improving the PLC Process”

We Can’t Afford to Not Vote…

In the day of school choice, vouchers, for-profit education systems, and charters, educators can no longer just show up to their jobs. We must be advocates. Not because we fear the loss of our jobs, but because the very students we serve in public education are in jeopardy of losing the opportunity to a freeContinue reading “We Can’t Afford to Not Vote…”

The Dance of Change and Progress

In the process of change and progress there are moments of celebration and times of distress. Too much change within the systems, its supports and the expectations can take a toll. Learning how to effectively lead and support through the dance of change and progress is a dance that requires expertise, understanding and awareness. OftenContinue reading “The Dance of Change and Progress”

Relevance, Rigor and Research #TCEA17

Last week myself and Sue Fitzgerald (the library-media specialist at Pike Middle School- where I previously served as a Campus Instructional Coach) and I presented on an instructional collaboration we had designed together for our students and 6th Grade World Geography and Technology Apps teachers in 2015-16 at TCEA 2017 in Austin, Texas. The titleContinue reading “Relevance, Rigor and Research #TCEA17”

Resolutions, Intentions, Goals… Always Progressing

From the moment the ball dropped and we ushered in 2016 I have watched the goals, mantras, claims of personal “one word” and resolutions come across my various social media feeds. To say the least, I am amazed and sometimes a bit subdued. I admire the ambitiousness and timeliness of my virtual and face toContinue reading “Resolutions, Intentions, Goals… Always Progressing”

Why is Organizing Our Thinking Important?

I am the main organizer of our district instructional technology Twitter chat #nisdNOV8.  This fall we made a purposeful move into a series approach to our chats.  In November we focused on #voiceNchoice for a 3 part series. In December we focused on the concept of “Organizing Our Thinking” for 3 of our chats. TheContinue reading “Why is Organizing Our Thinking Important?”

The Tried, the True, the Google…

Many educators on Twitter, when discussing the collaborative features of Google, know it’s not a novel concept.  It is interesting to me how a new tool or an updated platform can get our blood pumping. Yet, in a few weeks we are thirsty for another new platform, update or idea. What I have found, asContinue reading “The Tried, the True, the Google…”

The #nisdPalooza anticipation builds…

This Wednesday, July 30th and Thursday, July 31st my district is hosting “TechnoPalooza.”  Three years ago it was a in-district choice menu Professional Development focused on Educational Technology Integration. Last year it grew within the district in popularity and was open for other districts to attend as well. This year the planners led by KarlaContinue reading “The #nisdPalooza anticipation builds…”

When we “Be Brave”…

We all have celebrated the moments when we inspire our students.  In those same moments we have become inspired as well.  Often the inspiration takes us on a journey through the reflective epiphany of a fear to take a risk with something or a realization that we have purposefully avoided a challenge.  However, in theContinue reading “When we “Be Brave”…”

An Ethical Island

How to Teach Without a Lecture and other fun

JLV College Counseling

Free college admissions and financial aid information and advice

21 st Century Educational Technology and Learning

K12 educational transformation through technology

Connection of Dots

Stories about people and happenings and what they might mean.


True, he said; how could they see anything but the shadows if they were never allowed to move their heads?

Exploring Authentic Learning

The posts here are reflections of Instructional Lead Learner, Kirsten Wilson. I seek to inspire all learners to be driven by their passions. They, in turn, inspire me.


Engaging in conversation around Education and Leadership

Always Learning!

Sharing education-related thoughts, insights & reflections


The posts here are reflections of Instructional Lead Learner, Kirsten Wilson. I seek to inspire all learners to be driven by their passions. They, in turn, inspire me.

The Principal of Change

Stories of learning and leading

Unpretentious Librarian

The posts here are reflections of Instructional Lead Learner, Kirsten Wilson. I seek to inspire all learners to be driven by their passions. They, in turn, inspire me.

The Sarcastic Socrates

Sarcasm and Politics



Inside Education, Outside the Box!

Helping educators think differently about how schools and districts operate.

Cool Cat Teacher Blog

The posts here are reflections of Instructional Lead Learner, Kirsten Wilson. I seek to inspire all learners to be driven by their passions. They, in turn, inspire me.

Engaged and Relevant

Just another site