Content, Collaboration and Curation…

Social media has moved from truly a “social venue” to a way that educators, parents and professionals learn, collaborate, share and ultimately gather (curate) information.  Those who have made that “mindshift” from “social” to “learning” know that with a 140 character tweet, post or search for a “pin” on their topic they are a littleContinue reading “Content, Collaboration and Curation…”

Genius Hour… a process

In early May I jumped in with both feet and tried the “Twitter-trending” concept of “Genius Hour.” It was a learning process throughout the “pilot.” My students loved it and I can’t wait to share with others the concept of “Genius Hour.” There are a couple of things I learned in this process: 1. SurprisingContinue reading “Genius Hour… a process”

“From Creeping to Curating”

As I write this, I think about the list of items I have waiting in the wings to blog about. However, I am compelled to write about Twitter and an educator’s role to be connected in this 21st century world. I realize I have already written about Twitter ad nauseam, but a recurring concern pullsContinue reading ““From Creeping to Curating””

Learning “Twitter-ese”: Spreading the Twitter Message

Twitter 101 August 2012 I created my Twitter “handle” at a leadership academy for our district. I didn’t look at it for months other than to check up on my sports news (I am a closet sports fanatic… no one would know it with my blingy jewelry and fake nails and pedicure :)). Beyond thatContinue reading “Learning “Twitter-ese”: Spreading the Twitter Message”

Students Creating their own Fable through Toontastic

> If you followed my last post you know that my students have been studying theme through a variety of genres. The most explicit example of theme occurs in our traditional literature examples and especially in the area of fables as one specific example of traditional literature genre. After utilizing Scholastic’s January 2013 publication ofContinue reading “Students Creating their own Fable through Toontastic”

Message in a Bottle- Learning about Theme

I want to share a very engaging lesson our 3rd grade team did on theme. The idea came to me through my teaching team partner Kristin Carlile @kjcarlile. She does an excellent job crafting reading lessons for our team and this one was not one that we needed to keep to ourselves. She is anContinue reading “Message in a Bottle- Learning about Theme”

Learning from our youth

As I get deeper and deeper into my depth and breadth of technology knowledge I am finding I am less inhibited to ask anyone for help.  My favorite resources are my own students, children and my colleagues kids.  Recently I was asked to do a YouTube video.  That may be no big deal to manyContinue reading “Learning from our youth”

Sharing my new-found passion for Twitter

Sharing my new-found passion for Twitter Through one of my fellow tweeters I was asked to share how Twitter has changed me as an educator.  Here is a video link I made for sharing with Quakerstown for a PD piece regarding developing a PLN.  

An Ethical Island

How to Teach Without a Lecture and other fun

JLV College Counseling

Free college admissions and financial aid information and advice

21 st Century Educational Technology and Learning

K12 educational transformation through technology

Connection of Dots

Stories about people and happenings and what they might mean.


True, he said; how could they see anything but the shadows if they were never allowed to move their heads?

Exploring Authentic Learning

The posts here are reflections of Instructional Lead Learner, Kirsten Wilson. I seek to inspire all learners to be driven by their passions. They, in turn, inspire me.


Engaging in conversation around Education and Leadership

Always Learning!

Sharing education-related thoughts, insights & reflections


The posts here are reflections of Instructional Lead Learner, Kirsten Wilson. I seek to inspire all learners to be driven by their passions. They, in turn, inspire me.

The Principal of Change

Stories of learning and leading

Unpretentious Librarian

The posts here are reflections of Instructional Lead Learner, Kirsten Wilson. I seek to inspire all learners to be driven by their passions. They, in turn, inspire me.

The Sarcastic Socrates

Sarcasm and Politics



Inside Education, Outside the Box!

Helping educators think differently about how schools and districts operate.

Cool Cat Teacher Blog

The posts here are reflections of Instructional Lead Learner, Kirsten Wilson. I seek to inspire all learners to be driven by their passions. They, in turn, inspire me.

Engaged and Relevant

Just another site