The Bulldog Educator- A Re-launch

If you were a follower of the “Tag You’re It” blog, you may have noticed it has changed in name and format.

I started this blog in 2013. It was a way to share ideas, thoughts, and reflections. I was still a classroom teacher. Since then I have moved from an Instructional Technology Coach to a Campus Curriculum Coach, to an Elementary Assistant Principal, to the Director of Curriculum and Instruction for a public provider for online learning. That is a lot of change and developed a perspective that no longer fits with the idea of “Tag You’re It.” It also seemed time to develop a brand that was reflective of me personally and professionally.

Blog Relaunch

Picking the brand took some time, iterations, and feedback from friends. I wanted it to reflect so many things, but mostly the tenacity of my commitment to education and learning for ALL learners, and my love to encourage others to innovate. Nothing brings me more happiness than to see a learner (educator, student, friend, random connection on social media) inspired by our connection to try something new, to innovate in their space, and then share with enthusiasm with others.

I also didn’t want things to be completely serious. Education is nothing without humor. It transforms, endears, and breaks down barriers. If you have watched any short clips on french bulldogs or owned one, you can agree they are one of the funniest and most loyal breed of dog, ever.

Indulge me for a moment, while I share a little bit about my journey with dogs. When I was six years old, my parents brought home a dog. He was mine to care for. I even chose his name, Toby. He was with me wherever I went. About a year after having him,  my family went on vacation and he went to stay with friends of our family. After our return from our vacation, we went and got him. On our way home, Toby jumped out the window at a very busy intersection. Toby was gone. I felt responsible as I believed I should have held on to him better. After that time, I never bonded with another pet growing up, and even into adulthood. I didn’t want to be hurt by a loss like that again. Then two years ago for Father’s Day, as a gift to my husband, I brought home a French Bulldog, Cosmo. My intention was to provide my husband with a new canine companion after the loss of his dog the year before. What I didn’t realize is that this funny little french bulldog, through his humor and loyalty, would transform me, break down my walls, and open me up to be vulnerable again.

That is why I chose to brand this re-launch of my own version of the sharing of ideas, innovation, learning, and transformation “The Bulldog Educator.” In the time of the changes in titles and careers a curious transformation has happened to me. I have found connection, community, and vulnerability as I have grown as an educator. It no longer seems fitting to “tag out” but to “tag in” and do it with tenacity, innovation, humor, and most of all vulnerability, like a French Bulldog.

Over the next ten days, I will share out the core values of “The Bulldog Educator” on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Following soon after will be the launch of “The Bulldog Educator Podcast.” Something I have been wanting to do for almost four years.

Am I scared? You betcha.

Will it be messy? Most likely, when is innovation not just a little bit messy?

Will I make mistakes? Of course, how else will I learn?

Could I use some help? Absolutely. In any form. Encouragement. Ideas. Guest host. BRING. IT. ON.

I am excited about this journey and that you are taking it with me.

I will also tell you Cosmo, my french bulldog, is too. He may from time to time find his way into cameos, spotlights, and presentations. His ability to add comic relief to any situation and be loyal at the same time is something I think we all need and value.


Published by The Bulldog Educator

Mom of 2, wife of Eric for 25 years, Educator for 20 years. Passionate about everything in life. I love my community. Proud to be a mom, wife, and educator. I write two blogs one is my educational ponderings at my blog "The Bulldog Educator" ( and the other is "The Wilson Family Stories at the Razorback Ranch" (

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